Kenyon is playing Soccer again this year and Akoni is the coach, and I'm the team Mom!! I get a shirt!! Anyway, we have the SAME ugly colors that we had last year! Oh well, the kids chose to be the Alligators. This is opening day and their first game. We have 10 kids on the team, and two of them are 5, the rest are barely 4 and they are the cutest littlest kids ever! It's definitely going to be a season of just FUN play, but it is really fun to watch. And Kenyon has gotten better and is really loving it. I can't wait for this season to get going!

A new family moved into our ward and they have a boy that is Kenyon's age!! Yahoo!! His name is Carson. He is in his class at school and we got him on the soccer team too! They have become quick friends and they are going to be here for at least 2 years, so it's good he'll have a constant friend for the next 2 years at church and school. (one of the down sides of living by so many military families, they come and go quickly and it's hard on all the kids to lose their friends)