We finally took the kids to Disneyland!! I must say that I was maybe more excited than they were just because I knew what to expect, but they were pretty excited!
We told them that if they sang in church during sacrament meeting than we would go, so we have been practicing for a long time. The time finally came.....and they did it!! For those who know my kids, and have witnessed Adriann during the primary programs in sacrament meeting, you know what a big deal this was for her. They sang "I love to see the temple." And Adriann was shaking the whole time, but they both sounded great. Our friend Kurt played the piano and was perfect to keep up with them.
We drove straight to the Orange County airport to pick up a special friend that was going to go with us to DL, and it was GRANDMA!!! My mom flew in to go with us and it was so much fun. The kids didn't know she was coming, so they were so excited!! She made the experience so fun for them, and easier on us. She sat with the baby a lot so we could go on the rides he couldn't go on, and she also took the kids on lots of fun rides to.
So here is the picture of the kids before church all dressed up nice and ready to sing!

The kids in the car all ready to make the drive!

Kamden must get this from me, he was asleep and we were still in the driveway!

We arrived right at sunset and this was the view from the condo we were staying at. Akoni's mission president has a condo close by that we were able to stay at. Not a bad view huh?!

The kids with their Disney T-shirts that they got to wear at the park the next day! And Kamden did not wear his Santa Suite that he has on.
If you notice in the background, the ominous looking clouds? We got sprinkled on for about 20 minutes in the morning, but then luckily no rain the rest of the day. It was overcast and kind of cold, but at least it wasn't 100 degrees! We lucked out because the next two days it poured rain!!
You have to stay tuned for actual pictures from Disneyland because I barely took any pictures on my camera, so I am waiting for the pictures from my mom, since she had her camera out the whole time. Sorry!!