Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I know that Due Date doesn't mean anything.........

So if anyone has any tips on how to make a baby come faster..........Please offer them! I'm not in a huge rush, but I'm really sick of being pregnant and well I guess yeah I just want this baby out! I need to figure out how to not have such a hospitable uterus. My kids just get really comfortable and don't want to come out, so HELP!!


Sheri said...

Well I definitely have a suggestion but it's not a PG suggestion for the blog. But I'll give you another one also, I threw a royal tantrum the day before Siena was born that involved jumping up and down on my bed catching some serious air. I wanted her out.

The Hamlin Family said... that you have reached your due csn really go "any day now"!!! Hang in're little guy will be here soon. I don't have much advice...because mine don't come very early either. Are you dilated??? Maybe you can go to the hospital and pretend you are in labor and they might start you if you are dilated. I don't know....sorry I'm not help!!! I was just checking your blog to see if there was any new now I'll have to keep checking. Good luck with everything!!! I'm really excited for you.

Susanne said...

If you've already gotten your membranes stripped at the doctor's.... I've got nothin'. Good luck with everything! I can hardly wait to meet him!

Eliz said...

Aries took me 4 wheelin on our very bumpy lot. It had been plowed months before so their were ruts 2 feet apart along the whole length. That got my labor going. I feel for you Kim. The end of pregnancy is really hard. Love ya.

April said...

My friend is just like you. She was overdue, and took an herb that worked within 24 hours. Let me know if you're interested and I'll tell you the name of it. I just don't know how you feel about herbs with our past experiences in the fam.

Ford Family said...

My suggestion is also not PG... but it worked for me with Mason!

Emily K. said...

I am there with the not PG thing. But, it will make your husband very happy, especially since you're almost at the 6 week drought! It didn't work for either one of my kids, but the Dr. actually says it's supposed to work. Go ahead and try and try away! My babies really like my womb too. I was really late with both. And, I refuse to be induced again. I had a horrible inducement experience. Good luck!