I have been having foot problems for years. I have Plantar Fasciitis and a bone spur in both feet. A few years ago I walked down some stairs and ripped the Plantar Fascia ligament in my left foot. Luckily it was if I had surgery without the surgery and I have never had a problem with that foot since. Well over then past 3 years, my right foot has gotten worse and worse. I have basically exhausted all my options for trying to fix it without surgery. Multiple cortisone shots, a night splint, and shoe inserts. It was so bad that I would walk the kids to school and the next few days I could hardly walk on my foot. So since we had maxed out our insurance this year having Monica, it seemed like the perfect time to go ahead and get the surgery. The kids have 3 weeks off for Christmas Break, so it's good that we can all just relax and home and not have to worry about having to take them to school and whatnot for a while.
Here is my before X-Ray.
And here is my foot after. I had the surgery on the 21st and I have to be on crutches for the next 6 weeks. Let's just say that the past 3 days have been a huge eye opener as to how much I am not going to be able to do. I am kind of a control freak in my own home, so it's going to take a lot to let other people help and hope that the kids don't destroy the house. But I have faith and the house is still standing today! Already I have had some great help from friends. I must brag that I have the best friends ever. I could seriously not ask for better friends. You would think that with this being my second surgery this year they would be sick of helping me, but I am so lucky to have these amazing women in my life. And I have to give major props to Akoni. He has been the greatest Dad and Husband. I could not have done this without his support. The kids and I have had a few minor breakdowns while we are figuring this all out, but I think we are going to make it thru!!
So wish me luck for the next few weeks and if anyone wants to come and vacuum, do laundry or just talk, my door is open!
My gosh Kim!! I wish I was up there to help. Being on crutches is awful. When I had to use crutches this summer, the kids were at school and Mike was at work and it was STILL hard. I tried to carry a bowl of dry cereal up the stairs and ended up dropping the whole thing and not being able to get anything to eat until someone came home!! I hope you have a better experience:) Most of all, I hope this fixes your foot problem!! Hang in there!!
Ugh, I seriously wish we lived close so you and Marc could recover together. Akoni could watch all the kids, and I could cook, clean, and answer the ringing bells from the couch. :)
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