This past weekend we went camping at a state park up in Capitola. It was a fun first experience for our family!! We are really wanting to get into it with the kids, so we did a trial run to see how they would do. Overall it was a great time, except for Kenyon getting soooo cold at night that he peed in his sleeping bag! Good thing we were only staying one night and good thing we had just kicked him out of our bed!! Next time I will do a better job of making sure the kiddos are super warm at night. My bad!
This is the beach that was down a big staircase. But it was gorgeous! After we got our camp set up we took the kids there to run around before we had dinner. Next time I would want to spend more time at the beach, but we didn't have a lot of daylight left before we needed to start out fire and eat dinner.
Our tent that we had to get. I say "had" to get because we do have a tent, but when I was putting it up in our garage to make sure that it still worked, one of the poles was split and I got 3 of my fingers full of fiberglass splinters! Yeah that's how old it is. It's the tent that my family used to go camping in, so we decided that it was time to get a new tent. And this one is awesome!!
The front part of the tent is screened, so you can zip it off from the rest of the tent and this is where we put all of dirty stuff, shoes and coolers that we didn't want in with all of our sleeping stuff. It was a great idea. It is a great tent and will be really nice in our future camp trips!
This is getting ready for dinner. We did it really easy since we don't have a cooking stove yet, so we went with roasting hot dogs over the fire, chips, gogurts, water, strawberries, and s'mores for dessert. We also tried a banana chocolate chip thing that you roast in the coals, but it didn't really work.
Kamden was happy eating off the ground! Just kidding, he ate in a chair. He is just getting the Nillas he dropped.
This is the next morning. Kenyon was trying to get warm since he woke up frozen in his pee.
Kamden's chair that he happily sat in and ate in the whole time. He was soooo good on this trip. I really thought it would be hard with him, but he just hung out in the chair, slept great and had a blast!!
Yes, Breakfast of Champions! Donuts, Bagels with cream cheese, and Orange Juice. Like I said, we don't have a stove and I wanted meals to be easy this time.
This is the view from where the campsites are. You gotta pay more to have a spot with this view, but I thought our spot was great, right by the bathrooms (yes that was a requirement with the kids, to have bathrooms), and right by the trail to the beach.
You could bring balls, frisbees, hiking gear, swimming gear, books, kites, etc. My boys love hiking. It's also fun to bring some big sheets and some rope and make a little fort with it between the trees; like a little hideout. You can also look for campground sponsored activities - like evening kids campfires, or nature hikes, etc. That's the kind of stuff we always did when we went camping as a family when I was a kid. And we'd usually get so worn out during the first part of the day that we'd take naps in the afternoon - even as older kids. That was honestly one of my favorite things - napping in the tent in the warm afternoon.
So fun! I have ZERO memories camping with my family growing up, so make lots of them. (sad, i know.) It's all kokie's fault.
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